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5TH DAY: MATTHEW 7:13-14

5th Day: MATTHEW 7:13-14

MATTHEW 7:13-14: It is very dangerous the way off. What is the broad way? They are all easy things in life: parties, prostitution, adultery, swearing, quarreling, strife ... everything that pleases the flesh of man. These things lead us to hell. We learn, then, that even if our works do not save us they can condemn us. 

Galatians 5:19-23: Here is more than evident that all works that please the flesh of man, all that is sinful leads us to hell. Those who practice these works are the tares, to be cast into hell. Learned through this biblical text, which to be saved simply not accept Jesus as taught in Romans 10:9. Accept Jesus Christ is the main, but we must distance ourselves from all evil deeds of every kind of sin also. Works do not save, but they lead you to hell. Even if you have accepted Jesus Christ, to practice wicked works, have lost their salvation, look at verse 21 of Galatians 5. 

To simplify: In Romans 10:9 the only way to get to heaven is by accepting Jesus Christ as only and sufficient Savior. Ephesians 2:8 explains exactly that. Now, to avoid that salvation is lost, we should not practice all that lead us to hell, as it was read in Galatians 5:19-21 and Matthew 7:13-14. 

You need: ONLY accept Jesus as savior, read the Bible, pray, ask for forgiveness of their sins, avoid evil deeds. When fail not hide his sin, but to distance himself from all his works which lead to perdition. 


"Holy Spirit, I want to learn more of your word. I want to ask forgiveness for my sins and say I love you. Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name I ask you to forgive me my faults and help me in my weaknesses. I want new life. "

All Daily Readings

16th Day: I PETER 1:17-24

15th Day: I Peter 1:3-10

14th Day: JOHN 12: 44-50

13th Day: MATTHEW 13:24-29

12th Day: ROMANS 3:9, 23, 27-28

11th Day: MATTHEW 5:3-12

10th Day: Matthew 24:1-14

9th Day: Hebrews 7:25-28

8th Day: Romans 3:9, 23, 27-28

7th Day: Matthew 7:21-23

6th Day: Matthew 5:3-12

5th Day: MATTHEW 7:13-14

4th Day: Ephesians 2:8-10

3rd Day: JOHN 3:14-17

2nd Day: JOHN 3: 31-36

1st Day: EPHESIANS 2:8-10