Matthew 5:3-12: Jesus said:
Happy are those who know that sãoespiritualmente poor, for the kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
Happy are those who mourn, for God's comfort.
Blessed are the humble people, because they will receive the promised Deustem.
Happy are those who hunger and sedede do the will of God, for he deixarácompletamente satisfied.
Happy are those who have misericórdiados other, for God will have mercy on them.
Happy are those who have a pure heart, for they shall see God.
Happy are those who work for peace, for God will treat them as his children.
Happy people suffering perseguiçõespor do the will of God, for the kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
Blessed are you when they insult you, persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you because of my followers.
Be glad and happy, for a great reward is kept for you in heaven. Because that was precisely how they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
"Holy Spirit, I say with all my heart that the person who was for many years I am not. For I will be a new creature, born to the Lord my God. Jesus Christ is my only salvation. True peace meeting in Ti Holy Spirit. Thanks for this great opportunity of salvation that had and hugged."