7TH DAY: MATTHEW 7:21-23
Matthew 7:21-23: Not everyone who calls me 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father which is in heaven.
When that day comes, many people will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, by the power of his name preach the message of God and your name drive out demons and perform many miracles? "
So I say to these people clearly: "I never knew you! Depart from me, you just do evil ".
Psalm 73:1-4, 16-20, 24-28: Truly God is good to the people of Israel, it is good for those who have a heart puro.Porém when I saw that everything was going well for the proud and ill, almost lost my trust in God because I was jealous of them.
So I struggled to understand these things, but it was too hard for me. However, when I went to your temple, understand what will happen in fimcom bad.
You set them in places where they do slip and fall mortos.Eles that are destroyed in a moment and have a close horrível.Quando risest, Lord, you do not remember the bad, they are like a dream that we forget when he wakes in the morning.
You guide me with your counsel, and in the end receive me with honras.No sky, I only have you. And if I have you, what more could you want on earth? Although my mind and my body weaken, God is my strength, he's everything you ever preciso.Os that depart from thee shall surely die, and thou destroy those who are unfaithful to ti.Mas as for me, it's good to be near God!
I the Lord God my refuge and announce everything he has done.
"Holy Spirit, I tell you in all sincerity, though I pass through afflictions, will be firm with the Lord. I understand that salvation requires effort, and I am willing to push myself through it. Amen.