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 7 Pieces of Advice From Wisdom

We learned in the Bible, that wisdom is the principal thing. No one has a problem in marriage, at home, at work, with the children etc, but people’s problem is a lack of wisdom.

David, who was a very good man, wanted to build a temple for The Lord, however God advised him not to build the temple. If David had built the temple, outside of God’s will, even with good intentions, this plan would have failed. There are numerous Christians, with hundreds of good intentions, however they are doing deeds for which they were not called. They are doing these things because they lack wisdom. Because they lack wisdom people fail, make mistakes in life, blame God, and in the end do not understand what happened. David, when he passed on the work of the temple to his son, Solomon, acted wisely and discerned the difference between his calling and his son’s. David was a wise man, and we should observe his life as an example for our own.(Proverbs 4).

Therefore, even though you and I are good people, if we do not search for knowledge we’ll be destroyed, and one day it could be too late. If it is already late for you, it is time to sow wisdom so that in the future you will reap wisdom.Therefore listen to some of the proposals which Wisdom herself is making you, proposals which will guide you to a new level, dimension, and to an incredible experience with God.

Proverbs 28:1: “The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion".

Proposals From The Wisdom : 

1. Fear The Lord

2. Help someone today

3. Do not complain

4. Stop Saying What You Know or What You Do 

5. Change Your Friends 

6. Identify Fools 

7. Decide To Decide

All Sermons

Acting With Wisdom

Prosperity from The Lord

The Evil Relationship

The Uncommon Dream

Prudent VS Simple

The Biblical Greatness

7 Ways To Become Wise

7 Reasons For Failure


The Greatest Challenge

7 Pieces of Advice From Wisdom

The Knowledge of God