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 7 Reasons For Failure

Unfortunately, the history of humanity is described as a constant failure in so many areas. HOWEVER, we can find solutions.

This message shows up seven reason why people are not able to find success and why they failure so much in life:

1. Unbelife;
2. Simplicity;
3. Honor Fools;
4. Jealous;

Read the remain points and the comments on each one, by accessing the PDF of this message.

Certainly you are going to change your life from a down point to the highest level of happiness, after understanding the solutions presented in the topics of the message.

All Sermons

Acting With Wisdom

Prosperity from The Lord

The Evil Relationship

The Uncommon Dream

Prudent VS Simple

The Biblical Greatness

7 Ways To Become Wise

7 Reasons For Failure


The Greatest Challenge

7 Pieces of Advice From Wisdom

The Knowledge of God