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Acting With Wisdom

A very close person you know went to travel to a very distant city from where you live.

After several months this person comes back and bring you some gifts. Inside a baggage is your gift, actually there are several books.

You earned so many books that you were astonished. When you started reading the book's titles you realized that some books are from authors who think completely different from each other: one defend that humans are good, the other says humans are bad; one author teaches that the best form of government is democracy, other teaches that the best is monarchy; creation, evolution, capitalism, death penalty... these and many others topics are the titles of the books you received as gifts.

Looking for knowledge you decide to read all of them, but after acquiring a vast knowledge you think: WHO IS RIGHT? Wisdom means knowing which author is right.

All Sermons

Acting With Wisdom

Prosperity from The Lord

The Evil Relationship

The Uncommon Dream

Prudent VS Simple

The Biblical Greatness

7 Ways To Become Wise

7 Reasons For Failure


The Greatest Challenge

7 Pieces of Advice From Wisdom

The Knowledge of God